Free for everybody and easy to use


The settings aren’t that complicated. Here’s a quick rundown on what you can do:

Getting Started

1. Select one of 25 different forms.

2. Choose your comparison type

You can choose to compare loans, utilities, mobile phones and internet services. Changing the type resets the settings and a number of options.

Comparison Data

1. Choose method of data entry

When you create a new comparison table you have two options to add data: manually or a CSV upload.

2. Add New Product

Fill in the data and you are good to go. The only thing to note is the Info content ID. If you are using the read more option the content is pulled from a page on your site, so you will need the post ID. Ideally you would have a page for each bank/lender/whatever. If you don’t want the more info dropdown ignore this field.

3. Dataset Upload

Upload your CSV and you will see the data table. Check everything is OK and then click the button at the bottom to update the database. This two stage process makes sure you don’t overwrite good data with bad. See step 15 below for an example of a dataset.

4. Example Bank Data

This is an example of a dataset. At the bottom of the full dataset are buttons to change or edit the data.

5. Bank Editor

The editor lets you update the data or delete the listing.


1. Slider Settings

Set the slider values and labels. The output is set using shortcodes so you can change currencies and format.

2. Calculations

Options to decide how the payments and totals are calculated. The options change depending on the comparison type.

3. Number Formatting

This section lets you change how the numbers are formatted.

4. Features

The features display as a row with checkmarks below the outputs. The features for each bank are selected in the CSV and can be used to filter the results (see step 5 above).

5. Filters

If enabled filter buttons display below the sliders using the labels from the Features option (see item 7).

6. Sorting

The sorting buttons display below the sliders. Change the labels and drag and drop to reorder. Delete the label if you don’t want a sorting option.

7. Number of Matches

This shows the number of matches based on slider values and filters (if used). Displays above the output table.

8. Outputs

These are the labels and content of each output column. Uses the listed shortcodes to get the data from the uploaded CSV and adds symbols and currencies where required.

9. Ribbons, buttons and examples

These display at the bottom row of each bank box. The more info dropdown and product page links display on the left and the apply now button displays on the right.

10. Help

A fairly rudimentary help system. You click on the button and modal displays with all the help you want to show. The contents of the modal are pulled from a page or post on your site. So you need to enter the post ID in the box.

11. Number of Results

Set the default number of results to display. The additional banks are shown when a button at the bottom of the results table is clicked. The label indicates how many more matches there are.


1. Style editor

Right now a very simple style editor. More options will be added over time.

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